In this post, I am going to provide breif introduction about Spark RDD, different ways to create RDDs and different operations on RDD.
What is a RDD?
i.e fault-tolerant If the data in
memory (or on a node) is lost, it can be recreated with the help of Lineage
data is chunked into partitions
and stored in memory across the cluster.
initial data can come from a file or
be created programmatically.
Distributed Dataset (RDD), the basic abstraction in Spark. RDD are immutable
(does not change once created), partitioned collection of objects. Each RDD is
split into multiple partitions (like inputsplits in MapReduce) and which
performs in-memory computations on large clusters in a fault-tolerant manner
and and all the function are performed only on RDDs.
Additional traits:
- RDD does not actually contain data but just creates the pipeline for it.
- Lazy evaluated - Data inside RDD is not available or transformed until an action is executed that triggers the execution.
- Cacheable - RDDs can be cached across parallel operations
- In-memory computing: Using RDDs iterative algorithms in machine learning and graph computations and executing ad-hoc queries on the same dataset efficiently by reusing intermediate in-memory results across multiple data-intensive workloads with no need for copying large amounts of data over the network.
Creating RDD's
RDDs can be created
in two different ways:
- Hadoop Datasets :
- Referencing an external dataset in any external storage system supported by Hadoop (Eg: Local FileSystem, Amazon S3, HBase, Casandra or any data source offering a Hadoop Input Format) in the driver program.
- Parallelized collections
- By parallelizing a collection of Scala objects (like List)
Before moving
further let’s open the Spark Shell by switching into the home directory of
Spark and type the following command. It will prompt Scala shell and also load
the SparkContext as sc.
$ ./bin/spark-shell
Now you can start
Spark programming in Scala.
Creating a RDD from Collection Object
When you want to
create a RDD from an existing Scala collection object like Array, List, Tuples
by calling SparkContext’s parallelize method on collection in driver program
scala> val data =
Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
data: Array[Int] =
Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> val
distData = sc.parallelize(data)
org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int] = ParallelCollectionRDD[0] at parallelize at
In the above
program, first I created variable assign with an array of 5 elements and then I
created RDD named 'distData' and uniquely identified (by id) by calling
SparkContext’s 'parallelize' method on array.
To view the content
of any RDD by using 'collect' method. Let see the content of distData by typing
the below command:
res0: Array[Int] =
Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
To view RDD's
uniquely identified inside a SparkContext
res1: Int = 0
An RDD can
optionally have a friendly name accessible using name, lets see how to set
friendly name:
scala> = "Sample Data"
String = Sample Data
res3: String =
Sample Data
Creating a RDD from External sources
You can create a RDD
from external dataset in any external storage system supported by Hadoop (Eg:
Local FileSystem, Amazon S3, HBase, Casandra or any data source offering a
Hadoop Input Format) in the driver program.
Lets create a RDD by
loading a file:
scala> val lines
= sc.textFile("sample.txt")
In the above
program, created RDD by using SparkContext's textFile method. This method takes
an URI of the file path either local (file://) or a HDFS
(hdfs://) or S3 (s3://)
Note: RDD's resides
in a SparkContext and SparkContext creates a logical boundary, RDDs can't be
shared between SparkContexts.
Operations on RDD
Supports two kinds
of operations on RDDs:
- Transformations - which create a new dataset from an existing one
- Actions - which return a value to the driver program after performing the computation on the dataset.
In next post, we will play with RDD by applying different operations. If you have any questions or doubts feel free to post them in the comments section.
Happy Learning :)