Step 1:
Download latest Hive from Apache Download Mirrors and derby db.
Step 2:
Un-tar the files to your working directory.
Step 3:
Set environment variable for the Hive home directory in .bashrc file.
export HIVE_HOME="/home/satishkumar/WORK/apache-hive-0.13.1-bin"
Step 4:
Close the terminal and open to verify the environment variable for the Hive is configured or not.
$echo $HIVE_HOME
Step 5: Start derby
Here we are using default db as derby for storing Hive Metadata. Start derby by using following commands
./startNetworkServer -h &
or in case of any exception
./startNetworkServer -noSecurityManager
Step 6:
Add/Update Configurations in hive-site.xml
<description>JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore</description>
<description>Driver class name for a JDBC metastore</description>
Step 7:
Copy derby librarires to hive/lib. (Here we are using derby as MetaData, so copying all the derby libraries to Hive)
1) Delete if any derby lib is already there in hive/lib folder.
2) copy derby.jar, derbyclient.jar, derbytools.jar from derby/lib into hive/lib.
Step 8:
Start Hive with following command
$> bin/hive
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